Merkur / Merkur4Nice
Merkur is an Asset Management System which contains the following components:
- Catalog Shop, supporting BMEcat format. The BMEcat standard was developed with the aim of standardizing, and consequently simplifying, the interchange of product data catalogs between suppliers and buying organizations
- Content management
- Configurator, supporting SAP Open Catalog Interface (OCI). The OCI is the interface between catalogs and SAP Markets Enterprise Buyer (professional edition)
- Administration tool.
Merkur is used by large Deutsche Telekom clients as Coca Cola, Lufthansa, etc.
In order to provide Merkur functionality for the international market, Merkur was extended into Merkur4Nice – part of the T-Systems NICE project. The eShop was integrated into a web-based portal for configuration and reconfiguration of asset objects. The MCE configurator is integrated into WebSphere eCommerce platform.
Platform: UNIX/Windows, Oracle, JSP+Struts, Tomcat, Java Server Faces, IBM WebSphere
Client: T-Systems
Partner: T-Systems